Contact Us & FAQs

Have a question, comment, or need assistance with an order? We'd love to hear from you!

Please fill out the form below, and our team will get back to you as soon as possible. We're committed to providing you with excellent service and ensuring your experience with us is a positive one.

Thank you for reaching out!

How much does it cost to become a member?

The Californium Clique Brand Partner Membership cost $100 per month. If you checkout using a brand partner code you can save 10$ off a month!

How do I earn commission?

You'll earn 40% commission on every sale made when someone uses your brand partner code at checkout. You will also earn over $30 per membership sign up when someone signs up with your code. As long as they remain a member you will continuously make over $30 recurring commission per member sign up each month

What is the difference between californium account and brand partner account?

Californium Account is where you track your order history and manage subscription.

Brand Partner Account is where you create your custom brand partner discount code, track your earnings, and get payed.

Do I need both accounts?

Yes, this only applies if you want to become a brand partner member. In order to become a member you need to create a californium account in order to buy the membership and be able to manage membership. After that you can create a Brand Partner Account and wait for approval. Once Approved you are able to start earning with your custom discount code.

Can I cancel my membership at any time?
Yes, you can cancel your membership at anytime.
How can I cancel my membership?

Log in to your californium account by clicking on the profile icon located at the top right of the nav bar on the main site. Once signed in click on "Manage Subscriptions" to cancel. If you do not have access to your account you can shoot us an email at and we will manually cancel the membership for you.

What is the Clique Cache (Care Package)?

The Clique Care Package is a monthly curated box filled with exclusive products and goodies.

How do I unlock my next Clique Cache (Care Package)
By posting at least 4 times a month, tagging @californiumsupply and flaunting your Californium looks.
What happens if I don't meet the monthly posting requirements?

If you don't meet the monthly requirements, you may not be eligible for the next month's Clique Cache. We encourage all members to stay engaged and active to continue enjoying the full benefits of this membership.